They believe the bank lacks the financial strength to cover its big exposure to troubled mortgages. 他们认为,该行的财务实力不足,无法覆盖不良抵押贷款带来的巨大的风险敞口。
The cost of delinquency, default and falling house prices often was passed to entities ( some linked to brand-name banks) that lacked the financial strength to weather a storm. 贷款违约和拖欠以及不断下跌的房价产生的成本常常转嫁给了缺乏风险应对实力的金融机构,有些机构甚至还和著名银行有关系。
Fears the credit crunch might be entering a new phase grew yesterday as doubts rose about the financial strength of insurers that guarantee payments on billions of dollars of bonds. 市场对信贷紧缩可能进入一个新阶段的担忧昨日有所加剧,原因是评级机构对债券保险公司的财务能力表示质疑。这些保险公司为数十亿美元债券的偿付提供了担保。
Based on rumours regarding the financial strength of ICICI Bank, depositors are withdrawing cash at its ATMs and branches in some locations, the central bank warned. 印度央行警告,基于有关ICICI银行财务状况的传言,一些地方的储户开始在自动取款机(ATM)和该行的网点提取存款。
With abundant financial strength, it can meet the requirement of required fund to implement the project. 具有雄厚的财务实力,能够满足实施本项目所需资金的要求;
It would maintain its "Gibraltar-like" financial strength, improve the competitive position of its existing businesses and make new acquisitions that bolster earnings. 伯克希尔将保持其“直布罗陀般”强大的财务实力,提高现有业务的竞争地位,进行新的、能提高盈利的收购。
Can you tolerate the lengthy process, your financial strength can tolerate? 你能否容忍这一漫长的过程,你的资金实力能否容忍?
The agency uses three concepts: economic and institutional strength, government financial strength and susceptibility to event risk. 穆迪依据三方面因素:经济基本面和公共机构力量,政府的财政实力和对风险事件的敏感度。
Both also rely on the same eurozone resources for their financial strength. 两者的财力也都依赖同样的欧元区资源。
HSBC makes much of its signature financial strength. 汇丰十分重视其签名的财务实力。
A study by Standard Poor's, one of the world's leading credit rating agencies, has raised questions over the financial strength of some of the biggest banks ahead of new rules that could require them to raise more funds. 在可能要求银行增资的新规定出台之前,全球主要信用评级机构之一标准普尔(StandardPoor's)的一项研究报告,让人对一些大型银行的财务实力产生怀疑。
There are reasons to believe that the subcontractor does not have sufficient competence, resources or financial strength; 有理由相信分包商没有足够的能力、资源或资金实力;
The franchiser has to be reviewed, especially on the quality of its products and financial strength. 许多加盟商都必须考虑,尤其是在产品的是否质量信誉和是否有足够多的资金。
Thanks to China's financial strength, they have the funds to do so. 在中国雄厚财力的支撑下,他们有这么做的资金。
He added that, although emerging markets were not totally decoupled from western economies, the financial strength of companies, governments and consumers would cushion the impact of the credit turmoil and US economic downturn. 他补充称,尽管新兴市场并非全然不受西方经济体的冲击,但公司、政府和消费者的财力将缓和信贷动荡和美国经济低迷所产生的影响。
The company has strong financial strength and good business credit. 本公司拥有雄厚的资金实力及良好的商业信用。
Money markets in the US and Europe are signalling renewed fears about the financial strength of banks, with key confidence barometers almost returning to the levels that preceded the collapse of Bear Stearns. 美国和欧洲的货币市场显示,投资者对银行的金融实力再度表现担忧,关键信心指数几乎回到了贝尔斯登(BearStearns)崩盘之前的水平。
Economic dominance, in the sense of the factors that determine reserve currency status, is affected not just by the size of an economy but by its trade and external financial strength. 从储备货币地位的决定因素这个意义上来说,影响经济主导地位的不仅是经济体的规模,也包括其贸易和对外金融实力。
He said HSBC's focus on developing markets, which he believed offered the brightest opportunities for growth, as well as the bank's strong capital base, financial strength and prudent management meant it would remain among the winners. 他表示,汇丰银行的重点是发展中国家的市场,他认为这些市场能够带来最光明的成长前景,此外,汇丰雄厚的资本基础、财务实力和审慎的管理,意味着它将继续跻身于赢家行列。
The country's financial strength has increased. The anti-nuclear lobby is/ are becoming stronger. 国家掌握的财力日渐强大。向议员游说的反核群众声势渐强。
The buyer will need the financial strength to fund the turnround period, but also the ability to drive the organisational and operational changes. 对这类企业,买家需要有足够的财力提供扭亏期间的资金,但还要有能力推动组织和业务变革。
Analysts believe that the financial strength of banks in South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, India and Hong Kong will be tested in the coming downturn. 分析师认为,在即将到来的低迷中,韩国、台湾、新加坡、印度和香港各银行的财务状况将受到考验。
However, financial strength alone will not translate into domination of global banking. 然而,仅仅是财力并不能转化为在全球银行业的主导地位。
While Haier no longer needs the financial strength of a partner, management issues remain a weakness for Chinese groups. 尽管海尔现在不再需要合作伙伴的财务实力了,但管理问题仍是中国企业的弱项。
The improvement of the state financial strength as a result of the rapid revenue growth has made positive contributions to boost the development of the economy and society. 税收收入快速增长,国家财力进一步增强,为支持经济社会发展作出了积极贡献。
So banks must put rebuilding their financial strength and lending capacity ahead of large, unwarranted payouts to staff and shareholders. 因此银行必须将重建金融实力(以及贷款能力),置于向员工和股东发放无根据的巨额薪资之前。
Ironically, today's financial strength in emerging economies is a mirror image of US weakness. 具有讽刺意味的是,新兴经济体当前的金融实力恰恰反射出了美国经济的疲弱。
We intend to keep passing on amway's values, helping others to stay healthy and gain financial strength. 我们在未来会继续把安利的讯息传递开去,为更多人带来健康和财富。
Our financial strength doesn't remove us from the hostile pricing environment now enveloping the entire property-casualty insurance industry. 我们的财务优势并不能让我们免于目前席卷了整个财产事故险行业的恶性价格战环境。
The company has solid financial strength, technical strength, advanced management, high quality and efficient after-sales service system. 公司拥有雄厚的资金实力、技术力量、先进的管理水平、高效优质的售后服务系统。